Why pre-build your studio off-site?
Pre-building off-site brings a number of (substantial) advantages to the construction process of critical studio facilities. Who wants a merry go round of construction workers on site trying to realize the hub of creativity that will be your next dubbing or recording studio.
Pre-building allows you to negate the pitfalls of traditional studio building by integrating all aspects of the design/build in off-site construction.
All that’s left to do is a quick installation and your all set.
Reduced Time On Site
Reduced time on-site is the first and most notable benefit. With the delivery to site of a series of pre-built elements, site work is minimized to the assembly of the various components. This reduces the typical noise and dust associated with the standard construction practices. Because the on-site component is reduced, it minimizes the disruption when working on a site where existing facilities are already in place. Less disruption to existing activities will allow business as usual.
Environmentally Friendly
Pre-building off-site and a modular design/build method allows for accurate use of materials. Factory-built is precision built. The construction industry is synonymous with wastage, filling skips with wasted materials and burying scrap wooding landfills. Pre-building off-site to accurate specifications, in turn, reduces the cost of your recording studio by reducing wastage and getting rid of the need for over-supply of raw materials.
Building in hard to reach places
As cities become more crowded and rents get higher, building your studio in an easy to reach location might not be possible. Pre-building off site allows easy transportation of materials to high rise offices or spaces where disruption would not be possible. Have everything ready to go to the site, and then it’s easy to plan how to transport it.
Integrated Design Approach
Smart Studio’s integrated design approach captures all elements critical to the successful operation of your new facility including electrics, a/c, cable ducting and furniture. Too often a studio is finished, and when the equipment installers arrive to the new build, they discover no provision has been made for the signal cables or the air conditioning. A pre-build studio is planned meticulously with all these considerations in mind.